Strategic PR for Transformative Success

Ignite your brand’s potential, fortify your reputation, and soar to new heights with Aligned PR. Our passionate team of PR experts is committed to crafting powerful narratives that catapult your success, ensuring your brand radiates brilliance in every spotlight.


About Us

Our Company

Established in 2022, Aligned PR stands out as the youngest amongst its elite peers in the dynamic world of Public Relations. Our journey is a testament to our relentless commitment to innovation, excellence, and client-centric service. As a multi-specialist, full-service PR firm, we proudly cater to a diverse portfolio of over 20 retained clients across India.


Our clientele

Our clientele is a reflection of our versatility and proficiency. We serve some of the nation’s largest corporations, esteemed conglomerates, influential financial institutions, and forward-thinking government bodies. Simultaneously, we take immense pride in collaborating with the brightest young start-ups and innovative unicorns, championing their stories and accomplishments on the global stage.

What sets us apart is our remarkable track record. Aligned PR excels in delivering on complex and challenging PR briefs. Our expertise shines brightest when the stakes are high, the clock is ticking, and uncertainty looms over potential outcomes. We thrive under pressure, turning adversity into opportunity, and transforming challenges into triumphs.

Our core

Our core values of integrity, creativity, and strategic thinking form the bedrock of our operations. With a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about crafting and sharing compelling narratives, Aligned PR consistently exceeds expectations. We believe that every organization, regardless of its size or industry, has a unique story waiting to be told. Our mission is to unearth these stories and ensure they resonate with the right audiences, creating lasting impact and driving success.

When you partner with Aligned PR, you are not just collaborating with a PR firm; you are aligning with a vision, a commitment to excellence, and a relentless pursuit of positive outcomes. Together, we will shape tomorrow’s narratives, today.

Join us on this exciting journey, and let’s make your story our mission.

Our Expertise

Welcome to Aligned PR – Your Strategic PR Partner!

At Aligned PR, we specialize in a comprehensive range of PR services, designed to elevate your brand, protect your reputation, and drive your success. Our dedicated team of PR experts is committed to delivering results that matter. Explore our key service offerings:

Corporate Reputation Management

Your corporate reputation is your most valuable asset. We craft and execute strategies that strengthen your brand’s image, build trust, and enhance your standing within the industry.

Media Relations

With deep-rooted media connections and a knack for storytelling, we secure meaningful media coverage that amplifies your message and reaches your target audience.

IPO & Capital Markets Communications

Going public? Our experienced team guides you through the complexities of IPO and capital markets communications, ensuring your message resonates with investors and stakeholders.

Investor Relations

We foster and nurture strong relationships between your company and its investors. Our IR strategies enhance transparency, engagement, and long-term value creation.

Social & Digital PR

In the digital age, an effective online presence is paramount. We leverage the power of social media and digital platforms to connect you with your audience, creating conversations that matter.

Issues & Crisis Management

In times of crisis, a swift and strategic response is critical. We help you navigate challenging situations with grace, preserving your reputation and minimizing potential damage.

Sectors covered

At Aligned PR, our expertise extends far and wide, encompassing a broad spectrum of industries and sectors. With a dedicated team of PR professionals who are passionate about what they do, we deliver tailored, industry-specific strategies that elevate your brand’s presence and reputation.


Explore the sectors we cover:

Explore the sectors we cover:

1. Technology & Innovation

In the fast-paced world of tech and innovation, staying ahead is crucial. We help tech companies share their groundbreaking stories and innovations with the world.

3. Finance & Banking

In the highly regulated financial sector, trust is paramount. Our strategic PR services help financial institutions build trust and credibility while navigating complex regulatory environments.

5. Energy & Sustainability

In an era of sustainability, we highlight the efforts of organizations dedicated to a greener, more sustainable future, from renewable energy companies to environmental initiatives.

7. Education & Non-Profit

Educational institutions and non-profit organizations play a vital role in society. We help them tell their stories and amplify their impact.

9. Consumer Brands & Retail

We bring consumer brands to the forefront, creating engaging narratives that connect products with consumers on a personal level.

11. Entertainment & Media?

In the world of entertainment and media, perception is everything. We shape the narratives that captivate audiences and drive success.

2. Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

We work alongside healthcare organizations and pharmaceutical companies, bridging the gap between science and society, and ensuring accurate, impactful communication.

4. Real Estate & Construction

From property developers to construction companies, we showcase the transformation of urban landscapes and bring real estate projects to life.

6. Hospitality & Tourism

We craft captivating stories for hotels, resorts, travel agencies, and tourism boards, inspiring wanderlust and driving bookings.

8. Manufacturing & Industrial

From manufacturing giants to industrial innovators, we communicate complex technical information in a way that resonates with stakeholders.

10. Government & Public Sector

Effective communication is crucial for governments and public sector entities. We assist in disseminating important information and building trust among citizens.

12. Agriculture & Food

We work with agricultural and food organizations to promote sustainability, food safety, and the stories behind our meals.

No matter the sector, Aligned PR is committed to understanding the unique challenges and opportunities within your industry. We combine industry-specific knowledge with PR excellence to create strategies that make a difference.

Partner with us to elevate your brand’s narrative, build trust, and achieve your goals in your respective sector. Contact us today to discover how we can tailor our PR expertise to your industry’s needs.



Mumbai & Dubai

Contact Us

Get in touch with Aligned PR today and
let us craft your success story together.